Want to make a difference?

Make a donation.

Justice Murals is privately funded and would greatly appreciate any contributions to help us reach more schools with our program.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and your support!


Build a Mural

Justice Murals is always looking for high-school or college students who want to lead a new program. If you would like to lead the charge for generating authentic conversations about social justice within your school, click the button below.

Want to become a JM Leader?

Here are the key steps:

  1. Let us know! Click the “take action” button in the top right corner or email us at justicemural@gmail.com.

  2. Get your school or community approval and find a place to hang your 8’ x 8’ mural - talk to the principal or appropriate person. 

  3. Alert your school or community through newsletters, teacher's announcements, and art teachers.

  4. Receive drawings (10 will do) to make the mural, but more is always better. Since the muralists interpret the pictures, these sketches don't have to be perfect.

  5. Email your drawings to justicemurals@gmail.com, and Justice Mural artists will develop a mural for you to hang at your school or community.

  6. Take photos of the hung mural for social media and ask administrators for a written testimonial.

 Host a Justice Mural At Your Site

Interested in hosting a Justice Mural at your site? There’s also an option to choose an existing completed mural to hang up in your community.